Morgan & Morgan employees earn an average of $40,500 per year, or $19 per hour, or 48% less than the national average salary of $66,000 per year. According to our data, the highest-paying job at Morgan & Morgan is a lawyer at $161,000 per year, while the lowest-paying job at Morgan & Morgan is an admissions specialist at $30,000 per year. Morgan & Morgan pays its employees an average of $68,134 per year. Salaries at Morgan & Morgan range from an average of $40,256 to $114,231 per year. Morgan & Morgan employees with the title of associate lawyer earn the most with an average annual salary of $89,816, while employees with the paralegal designation earn the least with an average annual salary of $48,918. We are looking for a qualified legal assistant to join our team. As a Legal Assistant, you will be responsible for the day-to-day management of the firm, including the provision of administrative services and support to the legal team. The ideal candidate for this position has a strong work ethic, exceptional problem-solving skills and a fluency in working in a dynamic and dynamic work environment. Compare job satisfaction, stress and sex at Morgan & Morgan with similar employers 16 Morgan & Morgan employees split their salaries on CareerBliss. Choose your job title and find out how much you can earn at Morgan & Morgan.