Legal Aid Application Wa

If you have a non-criminal legal problem, you can call CLEAR (toll-free) at 1-888-201-1014 for legal advice, support and information. If you need more comprehensive legal advice, CLEAR can refer you to a local legal aid provider if a referral is available. If you need to complete training through Legal Aid WA to be eligible for panel or list membership, you must complete it by the application deadline. you must receive a grant to have ongoing legal representation for your legal problem. Grants may be awarded for the following types of cases. Apply online: You can also apply for legal aid online via CLEAR*Online. If you are applying to become a lawyer, you must also indicate: Call 211 for information and referrals to an appropriate legal service provider Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. You can also call (206) 461-3200 or the toll-free number, which can be useful if you are calling from a pay phone, 1-877-211-9274. 211 provides free interpreters to callers when needed. Callers who are deaf or hard of hearing can dial 1-800-833-6384 or 711 to connect free of charge to a relay operator, who then connects them to 211. Kinship Care Solutions Project Provides free legal representation to parents and other caregivers seeking custody (also known as third-party custody) of one or more children.

It is best to seek legal advice before seeking help. If you have an appointment for legal advice or if you seek advice from a mandatory lawyer in court, you can discuss whether you are likely to receive help. The Civil Legal Aid Office is not a provider of civil legal aid. Services are provided by non-profit legal aid organizations throughout the state. The following must be attached to your application: Before CLEAR can assist you, a screening officer must determine that you are eligible for services. Due to limited resources, lawyers and paralegals cannot speak to all callers, and services are for people with issues affecting basic needs such as housing, income, medical care and family safety. All other applications will first be reviewed by a member of our Professional Standards and Compliance Department, who may refer applications to a selection committee. You can appoint the desired lawyer when you fill out the application form. Your selection will only be reviewed after your application has been processed. This does not change how your application will be processed to decide if you will receive assistance. Consult the following legal topics or use the search box to find information.

A number of documents must be attached when submitting your application. Your receipts and attachments can be uploaded to your profile before opening the app. Depending on where you live, there are different ways to get legal help. Based on the information you give to the CLEAR lawyer, they can give you oral or written advice that can help you resolve your issue on your own. They also have an extensive library of informational materials to help you understand your legal rights and advocate for yourself. If your problem is covered by one of these documents, the CLEAR lawyer will send them to you free of charge. Neighborhood Legal Clinics offers FREE 30-minute consultations with a lawyer at 34 locations in King County, including locations specializing in debt, bankruptcy, and family law. Lawyers determine if the client has a legal problem, suggest possible options, and make appropriate recommendations.

NLC lawyers will not represent you in court. NLC is a limited legal service and should not be considered a substitute for representation. Callers who are Deaf, hard of hearing or speech-impaired can call CLEAR through the relay service of their choice. Callers who communicate in ASL may choose to obtain ASL legal aid via videophone/video relay service. The Records Project provides free legal services to overturn eligible King County criminal convictions for individuals who are at or below 200% of the federal poverty line. A conviction overturned is removed from the public background research available to employers and potential owners. Our goal is to remove barriers to employment and housing created by creeds. In some situations, a stipend will only be paid to a lawyer working for Legal Aid WA to conduct your case. If you receive an allowance to pay a private lawyer, you can usually have the lawyer you appoint if he or she is on the advisory board that is competent for this type of legal matter. If they are not part of the committee or are not available to take on new cases, you will get another private lawyer on that panel. If you`re looking for basic information about the law, legal issues, and self-help solutions on a variety of topics, head over to WashingtonLawHelp.

You will find hundreds of brochures and up-to-date materials on many topics that affect low-income people. These are classified by categories of legal problems. A copy of the conditions for granting the aid shall be attached to the application form. These include: If your problem is more complicated and you need representation, the CLEAR lawyer will attempt to refer you to a legal aid provider in your community. If this is successful, you will receive a membership message showing all the panels and lists in which you are then a member. You will receive a new membership notification when your membership changes. If your application for membership is rejected, you will be notified in writing. CLEAR is a high-volume legal aid service. Often, there are more people trying to reach CLEAR than there are lawyers helping them. You may receive the message “Due to high call volume, we are currently unable to process additional calls” asking you to call back later.