After the Velvet Revolution of 1989, the country`s gun laws returned to their historical roots. The authorities issue a gun permit to anyone over the age of 18, has a clean criminal record, is in good physical and mental health, passes a weapons test, and is legally reliable. It also raised the age of gun ownership to 25 and added certain requirements, such as a clean criminal record, passing a psychological test, obtaining a training certificate and legal proof of the purchase of the firearm. Firearms licences must be renewed every two years and owners can only possess one firearm of 50 bullets per year. In 2012, Sierra Leone legalized gun ownership after 16 years of a total ban. [160] By law, it is up to authorities to determine whether individuals have good reason to possess firearms. In 2019, the UAE government relaxed its gun laws. The minimum age to own firearms has been lowered from 25 to 21, while legal owners can now own up to three firearms. People from other countries are not allowed to apply for licenses at all. Some of the most popular purposes for owning them include hunting and trapping. This legislative reform prohibits the use of silencers, devices that convert semi-automatic weapons into automatic weapons and the modification of edged weapons or toys for the use of lethal ammunition. Fully automatic or selective firearms are only permitted with institutional and training permits. Since 2020, police can issue permits for firearms with silencers for hunting licenses, but only for sanitary shooting, see the main article for more details.
Armour-piercing, incendiary, tracer and other special ammunition are prohibited. Only holders of a valid license are allowed to purchase or possess live ammunition, and only types that exactly match the weapons they legally possess. There is no limit to the amount of appropriate ammunition in possession. Hunters, collectors and sport shooters can produce ammunition (reloading), but only for their own use. Depending on the type of registration, there are other limits for the types and sizes allowed – see main article for details. There is no limit to the capacity of the magazine, except for hunting. Firearms may be issued to a citizen (or foreigner recommended by the Minister of the Interior) who is at least 25 years of age and fully capable of handling a firearm, has no criminal record, is not suspicious or under police supervision and has a source of income. [256] Shotguns are the most commonly authorized weapons. Rifles for .22 Long rifles are also common, with shotguns being harder to find. Handguns are only allowed for the visually impaired. Automatic rifles and machine guns are not permitted by law for civilian property. [257] EU firearms projects are in line with the UN Firearms Protocol (117 States Parties in 2019).
[323] This UN protocol, in force since 2005, strengthens the rules governing the manufacture of and trafficking in small arms and light weapons such as small arms and pistols. It is based on three main legal measures: criminalization of illicit trafficking in firearms; Approval or licensing of legitimate manufacturers and sellers; and the establishment of firearms tracing markings and registries. [324] In general, you must have a permit to carry a concealed firearm in the district, while open carrying is prohibited. However, there are exceptions for legally registered firearms. Uruguayan legislation permits the possession of firearms on the basis of a purpose. These firearms must be less than .50 BMG calibre. Port permits are issued on the basis of May, which is not a problem in practice, except for people working as private security personnel. Police and military personnel can carry their firearms without the need for a licence.
The legal carrying of firearms must always be done in secret, the open carrying is not allowed. Recently, politicians in the ruling coalition announced their intention to allow the issuance of clandestine transport permits to civilians. With about 35 civilian firearms per 100 inhabitants, Uruguay is the eighth most armed country in the world and the most armed in Latin America. Liberia`s 2015 Firearms and Ammunition Control Act regulates the possession and use of small arms and light weapons in the country. The illegal possession of small arms and light weapons is a first-degree administrative offense and is punishable by up to one year`s imprisonment and confiscation of the illegally held weapon or ammunition. Article 263 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine stipulates that the illegal carrying, storage and sale of firearms, explosives and ammunition is punishable by 3 to 7 years` imprisonment. [319] The main advantage of Panama is that a permit is easy to obtain, but the application process for foreigners can be lengthy.