The political hope of Wiener`s proposal is unclear. Although California was the first state to allow the medical use of cannabis, four states legalized adult marijuana before the Golden State — and all of this was achieved through election initiatives, not elected lawmakers. In November, Colorado could legalize psilocybin and psilocyn for therapeutic purposes for adults over the age of 21. After one of the two competing voting initiatives collects enough signatures by the August 8 deadline, voters will decide whether to adopt a legal framework for psychedelic psychiatric treatment in state-licensed facilities. If this is the case, this framework could be extended to DMT, ibogaine and mescaline in 2026. The voting initiative would also decriminalize the possession and donation of psilocybin and psilocyn throughout the state. The debate comes five years after California voters legalized cannabis and a year after Oregon voters legalized the use of psychedelic mushrooms in a therapeutic setting and decriminalized the possession of small amounts of all drugs. As part of a growing movement to fight drugs, California law would mean that a psychedelic trip would not lead to a trip to the police station. The bill, Senate Bill 519 — drafted by Sen. Scott Weiner (D-San Francisco) — would legalize the possession of certain amounts of psychedelic drugs, including DMT and psilocybin mushrooms.
The proposal initially legalized the use and possession of ketamine, a drug known to rape. It was withdrawn in the middle of the debate on the bill in 2021. The CPI would legalize psilocybin with very, very few restrictions. It`s extremely broad, much broader than Oregon`s psilocybin legalization law, and even broader than California`s cannabis law. It would allow unlimited amounts of ownership, use by anyone over the age of 21, cultivation on private property, etc. However, some lawmakers say Wiener`s approach goes too far. Among the drugs it would legalize is ketamine, which law enforcement officials say is sometimes used to facilitate sexual assault. OAKLAND, CA – MAY 30: A gardener tends to have passionflower that has psychedelic properties in one. [+] private garden in Oakland, California, Thursday, May 30, 2019. State Senator Scott Wiener, D-San Francisco, said Tuesday that he plans to introduce legislation if the legislature reinstates the decriminalization of the possession of hallucinogenic mushrooms and other psychedelics, as part of its broader drug policy agenda, which includes measures to legalize supervised injection sites and end mandatory minimum sentences for certain drug-related crimes.
(Paul Chinn/The San Francisco Chronicle on Getty Images) Sen. Bob Archuleta, a Democrat from Pico Rivera, said he voted against the bill because it would legalize psychedelics before lawmakers have more information about their implications. The bill would establish a working group within the state Department of Health to conduct further research on psychedelics. Archuleta said he preferred to wait until he got the group`s final instructions. For example, cannabis has recently been legalized in the state, but there are severe restrictions on both the seller and the buyer. August 12: Amid confusion over changes proposed by the Assembly`s powerful Supply Committee, it appeared that a bill to legalize the possession and use of psychedelic drugs was about to be approved by the California State Assembly. Amid growing scientific research into the therapeutic uses of psychedelic drugs and a gradual push to mitigate penalties for drug-related crimes, California lawmakers are considering a bill to legalize magic mushrooms, ecstasy and several other hallucinogenic substances. Wiener`s bill is inspired in part by two voter-approved Oregon election measures that legalized mushroom-assisted therapy and decriminalized personal possession of all drugs — including so-called “hard drugs” like heroin. California was about to decriminalize psychedelics under SB519. The state has already legalized the sale of cannabis for non-medical purposes and is likely to continue this trend of reducing penalties for other non-addictive drugs. “First marijuana, now hallucinogens, and tomorrow heroin,” said Kevin Sabet, who has advised three presidential administrations on drugs and now heads the Smart Approaches to Marijuana group.
“This is part of a strategy to legalize all drugs, and people will suffer. The state Senate passed a bill to legalize hallucinogenic drugs for Californians 21 years of age and older. Could psychedelics become the next cannabis? “I believe it`s possible that at some point, a critical mass or even a majority of states will legalize or decriminalize some or all of these psychedelics,” Ismail L. Ali, acting director of policy and advocacy at the Santa Cruz-based Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies, said in an email. California legalized medical marijuana 25 years ago when voters approved an initiative that ultimately helped reverse cannabis prohibition in all but three states today. August 11: In the midst of a last-minute vote on a powerful committee, a bill to legalize the possession of certain psychedelic drugs is brought to the floor of the California State Assembly. It will remain illegal to harvest magic mushroom species in national and state parks or other protected areas. SB-519 would also permit the possession, processing, storage, ingestion, “social sharing” or transport of DMT, ibogaine, LSD, mescaline, psilocybin or psilocyn. It would also allow the cultivation or legal processing of plants capable of producing these substances on a person`s property for personal use or social sharing. “We have made this decision to honor the sovereign rights of indigenous peyote practitioners, which indicates that the peyote cactus is a sacrament and that peyote gardens in Texas have a decreasing supply of naturally growing peyote,” Wiener spokeswoman Catie Stewart wrote in an email to CalMatters. Ali said much of the hard work to achieve a decriminalization goal is still ahead of us. Photo via the U.S.
Drug Enforcement Administration The IPC would allow businesses located on land designated for agricultural production and approved by the CDFA to start producing psilocybin on January 1, 2023 and any business with a seller`s license to start selling psilocybin products to people 21 years of age and older (this could include a large number of businesses). There would also be labelling requirements that are not so different from the requirements for cannabis labelling (but are still much more limited than). The updated text of the law, published on August 15, showed that the study was not intact either. The amended text divided it into two studies, extended the deadline for final submission by one year and ordered that the group convened for that purpose should include members of the security forces. The proposal`s campaign manager, Ryan Munevar, did not respond to an email request for comment and declined to be interviewed by phone. Senate Bill 519 would decriminalize the possession and non-commercial sharing of psychedelics by people 21 years of age or older. It would not allow the sale of psychedelics in state-sanctioned stores because cannabis is allowed under state law, but would create the framework for California to regulate psychedelic drugs in the future. Psilocybin has been shown to help alleviate the underlying cause of post-traumatic stress disorder and addiction and relieve symptoms of existential anxiety in terminally ill patients. The psychedelic era was the era of social, musical and artistic changes influenced by psychedelic drugs and took place from the mid-1960s[1] to the mid-1970s. [2] The era was defined by the spread of LSD and its subsequent influence on the development of psychedelic music and psychedelic film in the Western world. [3] Under Health and Safety Code 11377, penalties for possession of small quantities of this substance can be up to one year in prison and up to $1,000 in fines. The legislation allows adults to exchange psychedelics with each other as long as there is no money at stake.
This would essentially sanction the party`s drugs, the Republican senator argued.