Boston Legal Help

At Greater Boston Legal Services (GBLS), our team of 69 lawyers and 17 paralegals provides free civil (non-criminal) legal assistance to low-income individuals and families in boston and the surrounding area. If they have no other place to turn, low-income families and individuals, the elderly and people with disabilities turn to GBLS for help to ensure life`s most basic necessities. Each week, Greater Boston Legal Services (GBLS) provides free legal assistance and representation in civil (non-criminal) cases to hundreds of the most needy residents of Boston City and 31 surrounding towns and villages. Greater Boston Legal Services does not discriminate against individuals who use services on the basis of race, ethnicity, color, sex, age, religion, nation of origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, ability, marital status, veteran status, or any other status protected by law. Every week there are hundreds of people we can`t help due to lack of resources. Free legal representation for low-income people Community legal aid (855) 255-5342 Toll free: (800) 649-3718 TTY: (508) 755-3260. MetroWest Legal Services (508) 620-1830 Toll Free: (800) 696-1501 Northeast Legal Aid (978) 458-1465 Toll Free: (800) 336-2262. Massachusetts Bar Association Reference Attorney Service (617) 654-0400 Toll Free: (866) MASS-LRS ((866) 627-7577) TTY: (617) 338-0585. Harvard Law School Legal Services Center (Law School Program with 627-7577) TTY: (617) 338-0585. Legal Services Center of Harvard Law School (617) 522-3003 TTY: (617) 522-3575. Boston Bar Association Lawyer Referral Service (617) 742-0625 Gebührenfrei: (800) 552-7046 Middlesex County Bar Association Lawyer Referral Service (781) 939-2797. Gemeinschaftliche Prozesskostenhilfe Hampden County: (413) 781-7814 / Gebührenfrei: (855) 252-5342 Hampshire County und Franklin County: (413) 584-4034 / Gebührenfrei: (855) 252-5342 Berkshire County: (413) 499-1950 / Gebührenfrei: (855) 252-5342. Harvard Legal Aid Office (Jurastudentenprogramm mit Anwaltsaufsicht) (617) 495-4408.

National Lawyers` Guild, Massachusetts Chapter, Lawyer Referral Service (617) 227-7008. Volunteer Lawyers Project (617) 423-0648 ATS : (617) 338-6790 Lesen Sie ihre Geschichten und wie GBLS einen Unterschied macht. Harvard University Small Claims Advisory Service (Studentenprogramm) (617) 497-5690. South Coastal Counties Legal Services Brockton: (508) 586-2110 Fall River: (508) 676-6265 Hyannis: (508) 775-7020 Greater Boston Legal Services (617) 371-1234 Gebührenfrei: (800) 323-3205 ATS: (617) 371-1228.