Biosecurity Laws Nsw

(a) an official requests the Director of Human Biosafety, in accordance with subsection 71(3), to issue a direction in accordance with subsection 5(a) of this Division to require a person to comply with a biosecurity measure contained in a human biosafety control order; or There is a list of 29 different fact sheets covering topics ranging from abandoned and neglected horticultural operations to biosecurity zones, stray stands and weeds. A human biosafety control order in force in respect of a person may require that person to comply with certain biosecurity measures. Division 3 determines what these measures are, and they include vaccinations that limit the person`s behavior and ask them to remain isolated. Chapter 4 deals with the management of biosecurity risks related to aircraft and ships entering Australian territory from outside Australian territory, including the control of where they can land or be moored and their movement within Australian territory. These transports are subject to a biosecurity check when they enter Australian territory. Powers may be exercised to assess the level of biosecurity risk associated with them and biosecurity measures may be required to reduce this risk if it is deemed unacceptable. Chapter 4 also provides for a ship hygiene system within the meaning of the International Health Regulations. A biosecurity measure as defined in Article 90 (review), Article 91 (body samples), Article 92 (vaccination or treatment) or Article 93 (medicinal products) shall be applied in a manner consistent with one or both of the following conditions (as the case may be): Any person exercising a power of or imposing a biosecurity measure under this Chapter shall first take into account the principles set out in Section 2. The principles are intended to ensure the exercise of a power or the imposition of a biosecurity measure only if the circumstances are sufficiently serious to warrant it and only if it is effective, appropriate and appropriate to its purpose and is not more restrictive or intrusive than necessary. Division 2 shall also ensure that the requirements of this Chapter do not affect urgent or life-threatening medical needs and shall specify the protection that this Chapter provides to a child or an incapacitated person subject to a requirement of this Chapter.

Division 2 provides that the Director of Biosafety or the Director of Human Biosafety designates landing sites within Australia that are the first points of entry for certain aircraft and goods subject to biosecurity control. 2. A instruction referred to in points (a) or (b) of paragraph 1 may be issued only if a biosafety officer is satisfied that the instruction is necessary to address the biosecurity risks associated with the aircraft or a person or property on board the aircraft. Chapter 2 deals with the management of risks to human health. This chapter deals mainly with diseases (listed human diseases) listed in a legal instrument. The main method of addressing risks to human health is to impose a human biosafety control regulation on a person who may be suffering from a listed human disease. However, Chapter 2 also contains requirements for persons entering or leaving Australia, as well as rules for the administration of deceased persons. A person may be required, under a human biosafety control order, to undergo a particular type of examination at a particular medical facility with respect to determining the presence of the following persons in the person: (3) The Director of Biosafety may make a provision under subsection (1) with respect to the goods or a class of goods only if: if the Director is satisfied that the level of biosecurity risk associated with the goods or class of goods is unacceptable. Biosecurity measures contained in a human biosafety control regulation are addressed in one of the following 2 ways.

For certain biosecurity measures, a person assigned by the Director of Human Biosafety to comply with the measure must do so immediately. For other biosecurity measures, a person is given a period of time to apply for judicial review before having to comply with the measure. 3. The Director of Human Biosafety may also (if he or she deems it appropriate) report one or more of the following measures when a movement measure is included in a human biosafety control order: in many cases, it may not be necessary to specify exactly how a person is to comply with his or her general biosafety obligation. The person who has the duty is best placed to decide what is reasonably practicable in the circumstances to prevent, eliminate or minimize the particular biosecurity risk and should have the flexibility to make that decision. Note: Subsection 19(2) provides that a transport (the transported) that is brought or is to be imported into Australian territory from outside Australian territory on another transport until immediately after the transport transported has been released from biosecurity control.