The employee, David Hall, actually reviewed 20 of those documents during the document review project, according to the Illinois Attorneys Registration and Discipline Commission`s ethics complaint dated Sept. 9. Cases were won and lost due to document verification. If done right, the document review can reveal factual issues that define or even change the case`s strategy. On the other hand, a poorly executed document review can lead to neglecting an important issue or even producing something privileged, confidential, legal, or simply insensitive – all potentially detrimental to your client`s case. Pay close attention to your review and get involved in the case, and you will make valuable contributions. Nothing seems to arouse as much contempt among junior employees as document review. We see the mood in responses to Vault`s annual survey of law firm partners is spicy, with some employees praising their firms for sparing juniors from such “low” work; Some complain that even if the summers are not burdened by Doc Review, the early years are moving away; and still others downplay it (for example, “First year, I will document an exam, BUT.”). I remember worrying before starting in my business that I would be stuck for months in a basement surrounded by paper boxes.
Fortunately, my destiny lay more on a sunny desk with a variety of tasks ranging from research projects and memos to discovery responses, filing preparations, and the dreaded review of documents. However, what I quickly learned about document review was the power I had as a reviewer. Maybe I would have been frustrated if the doc exam had filled all my billable hours. But as it was, I realized the value I could add to the team, especially in terms of depot preparation, strategy and movement planning. If you think I just drank too much from the company “Kool Aid” or got the delirium by clicking on “responsive” or “don`t respond” for hours, listen to me. When I hear whispers about Doc Review, I realize that there is a missed opportunity to see the bigger picture. Think of it this way: the partner and senior associates won`t look at the universe of documents. Only you – and other people who sneak into the documents with you – will know the totality of what is “out there.” In other words, seasoned lawyers rely on you not only to review documents, but also to report on what you find. If you take your responsibilities seriously and don`t click as quickly as possible, your knowledge will become invaluable.
Do you have a voiceWhy is your knowledge invaluable? Because you have information that no one else has and it gives you a seat at the table. As a junior, there is a huge learning curve, and you may be hesitant to speak during team meetings. But understanding the documents will give you a voice in brainstorming, how information affects case strategy, how it can be used during the discovery and practice of movement, and how to deal with harmful information. Not taking work seriously is a real loss for your team. Prepare yourself as a proA area where an understanding of the documents is beneficial is the preparation of the filing. As an employee who helps prepare Depo, you have the task of selecting which documents to use as exhibits or determining which documents your opponent can use as exhibits. By the time you have fully engaged in document review, you already have an understanding of what exists and what might be useful, what lies ahead. And if you`ve reviewed the documents carefully, you`ll be one step ahead of the curve when it comes to finding the documents you need. Show your skillsWith thoughtful execution, I mean those who do a document review can organize it in a way that helps at all levels.
Labels can be your best friend if you are knee-deep in preparing the deposit. As a junior on the front line, you should talk about the type of information you encounter and the types of tags and organizations you find useful. By taking responsibility for document review, you can demonstrate your organizational skills, strategic skills, and ability to take initiative. Doc Review can also allow you to demonstrate your management skills when supervising contract lawyers, staff lawyers or colleagues. Instead of dismissing opportunity as a “document-only review,” think about how you can maximize the process and bring the greatest value to your cause through your leadership. During document review, you are not only a custodian who prevents unresponsive documents from passing, but also a keen eye that recognizes privileged documents before they escape unredacted, recognizing crucial information for the case.