In February 2020, Stone filed a series of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) motions asking a federal judge to order the Trump administration to provide information removed from former national security adviser John Bolton`s book, The Room Where It Happened, and to disclose details of the underlying review process prior to publication. The Directorate of Access to Documents and Information Security (RAISMD) of the National Security Council (NSC), along with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the National Archives and Records Administration and the Ministries of Defense, Justice and State, were named as the main defendants in the lawsuit. [5] [6] The appeal was dismissed on March 18, 2021. [7] Semi-finalist at 56. The Roscoe Pound Moot Court Tournament (UCLA`s Distinguished Advocate and Outstanding Advocate Awards) won the 2005 Stanford Invitational Tournament (first place team and first place as general counsel) When he`s not in court or in class, Professor Stone runs the world`s most popular legal YouTube channel: LegalEagle ( LegalEagle`s mission is to break the laws and legal issues that surround our daily lives and educate the masses. A person who looks like Devin Stone may or may not exist (it would be instructive to obtain affidavits in some court cases in which he “participated”), but this is largely irrelevant. You may or may not have used an actual model as the basis for Devin Stone`s personality, but the host of LegalEagle`s appearance is too perfect and professional to be a subject in front of a camera for a YouTube channel. With the paradox of its existence, I propose an alternative theory: the host of LegalEagle does not really exist. Using state-of-the-art CGI (as used in the Avengers movies to refilm scenes where actors were not available), a team of undercover professionals conducts an experiment to establish realistic VTuber personalities that seem superhuman. Professor Devin J.
Stone is an outstanding civil lawyer and legal educator. Therefore, I maintain that LegalEagle`s YouTube channel is a testing platform to assess the feasibility of creating a perfect virtual avatar of legal justice without the risk of a person going rogue and turning against the organization that runs them. Devin Stone is a man because VTubers are mostly women and using a male avatar avoids suspicion. In reality, a large team (probably including several real lawyers) is working to do the mocap, rendering, researching, scripting, downloading, and social media management that brings “Devin Stone” to life. There may be one or more voice actors recording dialogue, or perhaps advanced text-to-speech (technology exists – see duplex) is used. Devin James Stone (born 16. December 1983 (1983-12-16) [age 38]), better known as LegalEagle, is an American lawyer and YouTuber best known for his application of his legal experience to entertainment, pop culture, and current affairs. The purpose of the YouTube channel is to give “an insider view of the legal system”. Professor Stone has extensive thematic experience, including: commercial litigation, complex contractual disputes, intellectual property litigation (including high-profile cases involving all types of copyright, trademark and patent matters), commercial infringements (including unfair competition and consumer protection laws), consumer class action defense, banking regulatory litigation (involving negotiable instruments, UCC and FIRREA), government contracts, privacy claims, student rights claims, construction and real estate disputes, product liability, bankruptcy proceedings (adverse proceedings) and toxic crime, inter alia. Are you the real legal eagle or are you just using it as a username? All of this begs the question: What other mega-YouTuber “celebrities” are really advanced CGI avatars? Do you really think it`s more likely that a CGI person was created for content than a lawyer hired a video editing/writing team to improve their public image? His YouTube channel hosts several series. Some of these series include Real Life, Real Law Reviews, where he reviews real-life legal scenarios such as the legal consequences of the U.S.
Capitol uprising on January 6, 2021, Real Lawyer Reacts, where he examines the law in TV shows and movies, and Laws Broken, where he highlights laws that are broken in TV shows and movies. They may have a paralegal or one or two articling students to help with research, editing and social media. They may not be credited. Devin James Stone is an American lawyer and YouTuber. On his LegalEagle channel, he reviews legal films and current events through a legal lens. [3] You can see real, larger-than-life hosts – with credits and behind the scenes – playing on other YouTube channels, which clearly shows that the larger-than-life host is truly supported by a great team, but no such details are available for LegalEagle. Speaking of Devin, let`s look at him. Not only is he handsome and absurdly photogenic, but he is always impeccably dressed and has impeccable sets for his videos. As previously stated, it doesn`t have time for scenography and its performance standards are so far above what is typical of YouTube personalities (even above the standards of many news anchors) that it seems at least unlikely, if not impossible, that someone so perfectly suited to be a legal video host exists. This is a question I asked myself when I put myself in your shoes years ago.
Are you telling me that only the top 20% work hard? . Tell B students that they “didn`t work hard enough to get an A,” and you`ll be slapped. Rightly so, I might add. While such a move would be an impractical financial venture with questionable returns for most organizations, the cost to intelligence agencies around the world would be negligible. The ability to produce credible, larger-than-life “avatars” with immense influence on public opinion would be of great value to nation-state actors. LegalEagle accused MatPat of using his Fortnite video and copyright to supplement his own game theory video without providing credit, and said the timing and similarity of the arguments were “circumstantial evidence.” His arguments were later criticized by commentators. [1] MatPat commented on the video, refuting the claim that his video was based on his. [2] The video was subsequently not listed. So their theory is that because he doesn`t list an editing and production team, he does it alone.
But then, because it is not possible to do it alone; There must be a hidden editing, producing, animation, and possibly AI team. This argument is so circular that it could replace a car tire. Why wouldn`t it be more likely that he has a standard production team and doesn`t credit them directly? Discover our Master Class on Crushing Law School here. Hmmmm, it sounds like something a politically influential hologram would say.. My system worked every three years and I graduated with an A GPA, which led me to my dream job as a litigator at one of the top law firms in the country. You have noticed that this YouTube channel is the combination of (context: several moot trial and mock trial sentences; And let`s not forget that Devin is also a full-time attorney who accepts private clients while pursuing civil rights lawsuits against the U.S. government. Call it 40 hours a week (since lawyers never have to work overtime, do they?).
So far, I haven`t seen any evidence that any particular foreign agenda is being worked on, which is why I think LegalEagle is a testing platform and not an active manipulation campaign. This could be explained by the existence of a team of film and social media professionals supporting Devin, but Devin`s LinkedIn doesn`t link to a company page that could show who actually takes over the production of their content – it sounds like a one-man show.