The Canadian Dictionary of Social Sciences [1] gives the following meaning of reliability: Identifies one of the standards (another is validity) against which the tools used to measure concepts are evaluated. Reliability refers to the consistency of results over time. When a bathroom scale is used to measure the notion of weight, one must ask oneself: is this tool (the bathroom scale) reliable? Does it produce consistent results? To check this, go to the scale a second time to see if it gives the same results. Note that the bathroom scale may be reliable but inaccurate. are I.Q. Testing a reliable measure of “intelligence”? Are official suicide statistics reliable measures of the “suicide rate”? Are questions about the political party a person would vote for a reliable measure of “political preference”? Since in many of these examples, such as weight, it is difficult to assume that the results will remain the same over time, it may be more correct to consider reliability as an indication of the consistency of the results among users of the tool or measure. See: VALIDITY in this legal dictionary and in the World Encyclopedia of Law. n. whether testimony is credible, depending on the competence of the witness and the likelihood that it is true.
Unless the statement contradicts other known facts or is extremely unlikely on the basis of human experience, the criterion of credibility is purely subjective. (Rayz jest-tie) n. From the Latin for “things done”, it means all the circumstances that surround and are related to an event. The res gestae of a crime thus includes the immediate environment and all events and statements immediately after the act. Statements made in the context of the resgestae of a crime or accident may be admitted in court, even if they are “hearsay”, because spontaneous statements are reliable in these circumstances. 1. The ability of a machine or appliance to perform a specific task. 2. The process of transforming raw materials, components or parts into finished products that meet a customer`s expectations or specifications. In manufacturing, a human-machine configuration with division of labor is typically used in large-scale production.
3. Consistency shall be determined using a statistical approach. Unterstützt von Black`s Law Dictionary, 2nd ed. libre, und The Law Dictionary.