Nglish: Translating change for Spanish speakers Accelerate all aspects of your legal work with tools that help you work faster and smarter. Win cases, close deals and grow your business, while saving time and minimizing risk. What is the definition of a telecommunications service provider? Section 32 of the Communications Act 2003 (CA 2003) contains the definitions of “electronic communications service” (ECN) and “electronic communications network” (ECS), which are (broadly) the terms used to describe telecommunications services and networks. What constitutes a provider of an ECN or ECS is regulated in CA 2003, § 32 para. 4. The definition of an enterprise depends on the activities it carries out. It is possible for a company to provide both an ECN and an ECS. 1, an ECN defines as follows: “(a) a network for the transmission of signals of any kind using electrical, magnetic or electromagnetic energy; and (b) the following devices used by and in connection with the person providing the System for the transmission of Signals: (i) the equipment included in the System; (ii) Switching devices The Payment Accounts Directive (Directive 2014/92/EU) (DPA) aims to improve the transparency and comparability of payment accounts for consumers. In particular, the DPA • makes it easier for consumers to compare fees charged by banks and other service providers across the EU; • facilitates switching for consumers and • allows all EU consumers to open a payment account allowing them to perform essential functions such as collecting their wages and paying their bills. The DAP follows the European Commission`s consultation on retail bank accounts. opened in March 2012, which assessed the need for action in the areas of transparency and comparability of fees, switching and access to accounts with basic payment functions. This follows a sector inquiry into the retail sector in 2007, which found that these factors hinder consumer choice and mobility.
Subsequent attempts by Member States to solve problems at national level have led to a lack of uniformity across the EU, to the detriment of the Single Market. The consultation revealed some consumer interest in legislation at EU level, while industry was generally less convinced of the need for new EU legislation. The DAP, which clearly addresses the issues identified in the consultation, was published in the Official Journal of the EU on 28 August 2014 and entered into force on 17 September 2014. Member Name of the process for changing the selection of funds in which a policy is invested. Normally, shares in one fund are repurchased and shares acquired in another fund. It is also possible that many funds are repaid for purchase in a new fund or that a fund is redeemed and invested in a selection of other funds. The purchase of shares under a bill of exchange takes place at the offer price, so that another bid-ask spread at the policyholder is avoided. There is sometimes a fee for this service. Although the Federal Trade Commission monitors advertising and enforces laws prohibiting false advertising, there are many bait and bill advertisements that consumers should watch out for: style=”width: 100%”>STOP PRESS: Concerns have been raised about the application of the Occupational and Personal Pension Plans (Transfer Conditions) Regulations, 2021, SI 2021/1237 to transfers involving foreign investment or small incentives.
For example, PensionBee stated that the regulations “appear to have been abused in a variety of inventive ways,” preventing members from switching to their preferred provider. To address this issue, the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) and the Pensions Regulator (TPR) issued a joint statement on 5 July 2022 stating:• DWP and TPR continue to review how the regulations work in practice and invite trustees/system administrators to provide relevant comments• As a reminder, The regulations are not intended to: impose additional burdens on systems or administrators, or affect current business practices. Nor are they intended to protect against normal market volatility• TPR has amended its guidelines on the processing of transfer requests to clarify, among other things, that not all incentives or foreign investments present an increased risk of transfer• DWP has committed to reviewing the rules and publishing a report within 18 months of their start.