Legal Aid Queensland Cairns

The centre is located in the centre of Cairns, on the 2nd floor of Main Street Arcade, 82 Grafton Street, and can help disadvantaged people, having a legal problem that we can help and living in the geographical area covered by the centre. The Consumer Law Department (CLS) is operated by Cairns Community Legal Centre Inc. He provides legal advice on a range of consumer issues, including credit, product/service disputes, and more. The Centre`s General Legal Service provides legal advice to disadvantaged people in the Far North Qld community in a number of areas of law, including: The General Legal Service, which provides a range of civil, family and criminal law matters. More info General legal services offering a range of civil, family and criminal matters, including but not limited to labour law, traffic matters and more. Legal services for people under involuntary treatment orders who need help with CTA applications or other mental health issues. More info We are committed to ensuring equal access to justice for all members of the community. Our legal services include General Legal, Discrimination and Human Rights Legal Service, Cairns Mental Health Legal Service, Consumer Law Department, Family Law Service, Elder Legal and Support Service, and Domestic and Family Violence Duty Counsel Service. Legal service that helps deal with consumer complaints. More info Phone: (07) 4252 6800 Fax: (07) 4252 6896 DX 41323 Cairns Legal advice for people with disabilities who have been treated unfairly or discriminated against because of their disability. Legal services are available by appointment; and, if necessary, a telephone consultation can also be provided. For more information or to make an appointment, contact the center at (07) 4031 7688 or 1800 062 608.

Your donation makes a real difference and goes directly to providing services to those in need. All donations over $2 are tax deductible. Other services offered from the centre include: Legal advice by appointment. If necessary, a telephone consultation can also be arranged for reasons of distance or in another way. Legal and support services for seniors concerned about elder abuse, abuse or financial issues. More info. Come to the Cairns Court of First Instance. The centre is there every Thursday. We also offer a free DVDLS for men – both injured parties and respondents. More info Help those in need and contribute to the community by volunteering with us.

We welcome lawyers and student volunteers at the University (Law). We recognize the traditional custodians of this land, the elders of yesterday and today. We also respect other Indigenous Australians in our service area.