18 is the legal minimum age. Point. Anyone who tells you otherwise is lying or is misinformed. In Victoria, South Australia, Tasmania and Queensland, tattooing a person under the age of 18 is a criminal offence. Teen laws, tattoos and piercings vary across Australia. Now, before we dive into the legal age at which a teen can legally get tattooed, we should first determine whether a teen should get a tattoo. Most teens are still developing, and their rational thinking may not be exactly fully developed. Many teenagers are heavily influenced by fashions that last a few years at most, and they are almost forgotten later. Tattoos, on the other hand, are for life unless you have the time, money, and nerves to go through tattoo removal. This is why many teenagers regret their tattoos in their mid-twenties.
If your child wants a very visible or very large tattoo or piercing that you don`t want, you can compromise on size or location. Another option might be to delay tattooing or piercing until your child is older. For example, you could offer to pay for your child`s 18th birthday if they want another one. If you have negative feelings about tattoos or piercings, your child may be more willing to listen to them if you calmly “assume” your feelings rather than trying to transfer your values to your child or tell them what to do. For example, “I don`t like the idea of you getting tattooed at 16 because you might decide you won`t like it in 5 years. And then it gets difficult and it costs you a lot of money to get rid of it. In Western Australia, teenagers must be over the age of 16 and have parental permission to get tattooed. Permission must be made in writing and explain what type of tattoo you accept and where.
If you want to get a tattoo before the age of 18, your parents must be with you when you get tattooed or give their permission in writing. If you get your parents` permission in writing, the note should explain the type of tattoo you want to get, the size of the tattoo and where it will be on your body. It is illegal for someone to tattoo you without your parents` permission. Young people as young as 18 can legally get tattooed without their parents` consent. However, it is illegal for anyone under the age of 18 to get a tattoo. Unlike NSW, however, your parents` permission doesn`t matter. If you have any questions about a tattoo, piercing or other body modifications, please email us. It`s worth being careful when banning tattoos or piercings altogether, as this can cause a child to get one anyway, but without taking proper safety precautions. There are other things worth talking about with your child if they want a tattoo or piercing.
These are: If you`re having trouble talking to your child about tattoos or piercings, our articles on negotiation, conflict management, problem solving, and difficult conversations can help. In Tasmania and the Northern Territory, there is no law that determines a person`s age or youth to get pierced or tattooed. The only thing that matters is the ability to obtain valid consent, that is, to be mentally and physically healthy. The legal age, as in the rest of Australia, is 18. Although anyone under the age of 18 should not be colored and the person who does so commits a crime. Here, your parents` permission doesn`t matter. The same law applies to South Australia and Western Australia. In Western Australia, however, if the teenager has written permission from his parents, he can only get tattooed on the position on the body that is allowed. Currently, there is no age before 18 to which you can consent.
It is up to the tattoo artist or piercer to determine if you can fully understand what the process involves and how it affects them. The person on the other side will make the following considerations: Listen to your child Start by listening to your child`s point of view. Your child is more likely to be open with you if they feel you appreciate their thoughts and feelings. Let your child explain why they want a tattoo or piercing and why it`s important to them. Try to respect your child`s point of view, even if you disagree with them. A parent can give permission in person or in writing. If it is written, your parents` note should explain the type of tattoo/marking/piercing and where it will be on your body. Discuss legal issues It`s a good idea to talk about legal issues related to tattoos and piercings in your state.
Your child may not know that they can`t get tattooed until a certain age. Talk about your feelings It`s okay to let your child know how you feel about tattooing or piercing. You might feel good about it, you might really hate the idea, or your feelings might be somewhere in between. On the online form below, there is a final step where you need to enter your satisfaction with the tattoo. NOTE: You can fill in all the information and submit ID on this form without having to fill out the satisfaction information from home. However, once the tattoo is ready, you and your tattoo artist at the studio can submit the rest of the information on a separate form. In our view, the law has a duty to protect young people from the legal age of 18, especially when it comes to alcohol, cigarettes and even tattoos. Unfortunately, the law may not be doing as well as it should. With parental consent, you can get tattooed in New South Wales at the age of 16, but you may want to hold back because getting a tattoo before you are an adult, especially if you have a growth spurt, can distort it.
In the Northern Territory, there are no specific rules for a tattoo. In practice, tattoo artists have their own industry standards, and teens are often asked to get permission from their parents to get tattooed. In New South Wales, you have to be 18 to get a tattoo. A tattoo or piercing carries certain risks. These include: So the question is how old a child should be before they can go out and get tattooed. In places like Queensland, most students who complete Year 12 are around 17. Technically, they are not of legal voting age and cannot legally buy cigarettes or alcohol. However, many young people who have managed to leave a permanent mark on their skin often regret the decision later. Even if you get permission from a parent, some tattoo artists and piercers won`t give you a tattoo or piercing if you`re under 18, and others may ask you to provide proof of age or even sign an affidavit (a legal document).