Law Library – American Law and Legal Information

Legal documents from all states are widely collected. Basic primary and secondary legal documents are available for each state. The law library also includes a set of authoritative practices and a legal encyclopedia for each state, if available. Materials for the state of Iowa are widely collected. Our collection of Iowa legislative, executive, and judicial records is among the best in the state and the country and is used by a range of local to international clients (the latter typically via interlibrary loan). Materials from all neighboring states (Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, South Dakota, Nebraska, and Missouri) are heavily collected, as are materials from the largest states: California, New York, Texas, and Florida, and to a lesser extent Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Ohio. We`ve compiled some of our favorite resources for getting information on U.S. legislative, regulatory, judicial, and executive responses to the COVID-19 pandemic and compiled them for you here. See them here The Law Library has a particularly comprehensive collection of federal and state legal documents and supplements, including at least one printed copy that will be updated according to the publisher`s schedule. The laws, laws, cases, regulations, and other legal documents of the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of the United States and all of its states and territories shall be collected in printed form, as appropriate. Where primary law is only available electronically, the Law Library provides access through its website and the InfoHawk+ online catalogue.

We offer a variety of legal research courses on legal research topics in the United States as well as foreign and comparative law. Additional Information Links to legal laws and information, including federal laws, court notices, contracts, dictionaries and legal journals, and copyright information. See Bibliography of Legal Resources for a selection of related documents available in ALIC. This legal and legal reference library provides free access to thousands of legal articles covering major court cases, historical legal documents, state laws and statutes, and general legal information. Popular articles are landlord-tenant relationship, health insurance law, and labor law. The legal reference database also covers historically significant court cases such as the Ulysses obscenity trial, Plessy vs. Ferguson, Roe vs. Wade and many others. Hypoxia, i.e. ibid., IBM Litigation, ICC, Idem, identification procedure, identity, identity, identity theft, idiopathic, ignition, ignorance of the law, ignorantia juris non excusat, ignorantia juris non excusat, ignorantia juris non excusat, ignoring traffic lights, IHT, ILC, ileum, illegal contract, illegal contract, illegal practices, illegal practices, illegal trust, illegitimacy, illegitimacy, illegitimacy – common law and illegitimacy, Robert L.

Johnson`s son? The rights of illegitimate heirs – current trends. is the official website for more information on US federal legislation. Read more reputation, reputation, alleged assets, request for additional information, requirements contract, request, seizure, requisition, re-registration, res, res gestae – Further reading, Res Ipsa Loquitur – elements, accessibility of evidence, The effect of Res Ipsa, Res Judicata, Resale, Resale Price maintenance, withdrawal, withdrawal, withdrawal – By agreement, forgery or omission of the other party, non-performance or violation – Insufficient consideration, of time, res communis, rescue, rescue, rescue doctrine, resealed domain, research, law.. The mission of the Library of Congressional Law is to provide authoritative legal research, reference and training services, and access to an unparalleled collection of U.S., foreign, comparative and international law. To accomplish this mission, the Law Library has a team of experienced legal specialists and librarians trained abroad and in the United States, and has amassed the world`s largest collection of law books and other legal resources from any country, which now includes more than 2.9 million items. All the legal information on this website has been professionally written and researched, and each law article has been carefully selected – all to create the most comprehensive legal information page on the Internet. Legal treatises, encyclopedias, dictionaries, commentaries, interpretations, and other documents on the law and legal institutions of the United States and its states and territories are comprehensively collected, as are other secondary documents on all aspects of U.S. law. It contains publications from the various bar associations (American Bar Association and State Bars), the American Bar Foundation, the American Law Institute, the Uniform Law Commission, legal theses, and selected legal education materials (e.g., Practicing Law Institute (PLI)). The Law Library`s collection of legal treatises and monographs is one of the most comprehensive in the country.

Beyond the obvious topics of contract, tort, property, constitutional law, legal history, intellectual property law, commercial law, procedures, civil rights law, labor law, criminal law, regulatory law, etc., the Law Library acquires all related legal and legal documents at a comprehensive level suited to the College of Law`s curriculum and research. depth of its faculty and students. The Law Collection is an integral part of the Inner Library. It consists of the reports of the United States; Selected federal and regional rapporteurs, state, territorial and tribal codes; legal treaties; Internal legal and administrative documents; legislative history documents; and legal journals. Particular emphasis is placed on materials related to the environment, Native Americans and administrative law. These legal research tools are available in print, micro and CD-ROM versions. Abortion Laws – Information on Abortion Law – Illegal Abortion, Legal Abortion, Partial Abortion, Status of Laws, Adoption Laws – Information on Adoption Law – Federal Law, Harmful Possession Laws – Information on Adverse Possession Law – Requirements, Annulment and Prohibited Marriages Laws – Information on Annulment and Prohibited Marriages Act – Annulment, Forbidden marriage, antitrust law – Information on Antitrust law, Lawyers` law – Information on lawyers` law – Legal education and admission to the bar, Business and consumer law – Information on business law and. Since 1908, the Law Library Journal (LLJ) has been the official journal of the American Association of Law Libraries. Scientific articles on law, legal documents and librarianship are the backbone of the journal. Practice-oriented articles and historical documents of the profession and association are also included. LLJ has been a peer-reviewed publication since 2019. LLJ is published quarterly and is available as a digital publication only with a print-on-demand option.

Reference librarians, including a legal librarian, are available to assist with legal research and explain library policies. Primary and secondary legal documents of all kinds and on all matters relating to the law of the United States, the fifty states and annexed territories are collected. Legal material relating to Native American tribes in the United States is also widely and widely collected. A comprehensive and in-depth collection of treaties and monographs on U.S. federal and state law and closely related topics is also a very high priority, as are all journals on these topics. Additional access to primary and secondary documents is available through subscriptions to Westlaw, Lexis, Bloomberg Law, HeinOnline, The Making of Modern Law and many other databases. Continue with a full list of electronic resources. ex proprio motu (ex mero motu), expulsion, expulsion, expungement, extention, extension, mitigating circumstances, suppression, extortion, extortion, extortion – Constituent elements, extortion by officials, Other distinguished crimes, defence, further reading – Punishment, federal crimes, extortion, extortion, extortion, extortion, extradition – Further reading, Extradition, Extradition, Extradition, Extradition, Extradition contract, Extradition contract, Extradural haemorrhage, Extrajudicial, Extrajudicial divorce, Extrajudicial divorce, Extralegality, Extraordinary remedy, Extraordinary General Assembly.

The award honours those who have rendered outstanding service to education and science in the fields of legal information and scientific librarianship.