The Equal Justice Works Conference and Job Fair is the largest national legal career fair in the country. More than 160 public benefit employers are interviewing for internships and full-time positions and meeting with students in informal “table discussions” on legal options of public interest. More than 1,200 students from nearly 200 law schools participate in interviews, public interest career workshops, job search advice, networking, resume and cover letter reviews, mock interviews and more. Please contact for future updates on LeGaL events and programs for law students. When: July 20, 2022Location: VirtualRegistration: see website for detailsWebsite: Level Participants will participate in an engaging and comprehensive program that includes continuing legal education (CLE panels) on current issues with leading practitioners, national policymakers and experts from across the country; networking events and workshops; the nation`s largest Hispanic job fair with exhibitors from leading law firms, businesses and government agencies; and a variety of social activities. When: January 21-22 and 25, 2022Location: Chicago, ILRegistration: The deadline is March 28. More information on registration can be found on the website. Website: Level 1L, 2L The Bay Area Diversity Career Fair, a program of the San Francisco and Orrick Bar Association, offers a must-have event for employers in the San Francisco Bay Area, as well as various law students across the country who previously had to travel long distances to job fairs for minority applicants. Please register as soon as possible.
The registration deadline is July 1. For more information, see The tender period runs from 28 May 2022 to 1 July 2022. If you have any questions about the SFIPLA 2021 job fair, please send an email. When: 2022 Dates TBDinglocation: VirtualRegistration period: Website: Level 2L, 3L When: July 24-29, 2002Location: Sheraton Memphis Downtown Hotel, Memphis, TNRegistration: see website for detailsWebsite: Grade: 2L, 3L, Alumni. When: July 22-23, 2022Location: San Francisco, CARegistration Period: May 16 – July 1, 2022Website: Level: 2L Here you will find all the necessary registration documents for candidates who wish to participate in this year`s job fair. Over the past three years, this event has attracted more than 40 employers, including law firms and legal departments from major corporations such as Microsoft, Morgan Stanley, Citi, Bank of America, American Express, PwC, Prudential, USAA and Nestlé. The VLCF also attracted nearly 150 candidates with a wide range of experience levels and backgrounds.
Veterans, retired lawyers and their spouses have come from across the country and from international military bases to participate, including as far away as Germany and Uganda. One candidate called it a “once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.” The Loyola Patent Law Interview Program is an annual interview program in Chicago that brings together patent law employers and law students from across the country to apply for summer and postgraduate positions. When: January 9, 2021Location: VirtualRegistration: see website for detailsWebsite: Level: 1L Please direct any questions about the program to our office`s Patent Program Liaison, Kim Thomas, at (530) 754-5719. We thank law students, employers and supporters of the Northwest Minority Job Fair for their support and participation. The Northwest Minority Job Fair remains committed to the mission of promoting diversity in the Pacific Northwest legal community and providing a connecting channel for law students and potential employers. During the current COVID-19 crisis, we are working to explore how this year`s career fair can continue in these uncertain times, including the possibility of postponing the job fair to a later date, using technology to move the job fair to a virtual platform, or offering other resources to law students as we overcome the challenges ahead. We will post updates on this website as things evolve. In the meantime, we are all working for the health and safety of our legal communities. The goal of the National Black Prosecutors Association (NBPA) job fair is to promote diversity in prosecutors` offices by providing a forum where law students, recent law graduates, and experienced lawyers from across the country can meet and interview potential employers at the local, state, and federal levels.
As a result, member organizations adhere to the same hiring criteria they use when searching for candidates as part of the on-campus interview process. Hiring criteria may include: All 2L (degree in 2022) and 3L (degree in 2021) law students and 2020 law graduates who consider themselves diverse are invited to participate regardless of race, ethnicity, sex, gender identity, religion, age, sexual orientation, national origin, veteran status or disability.